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5 Myths About Veterinary Hospice
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Hospice means prolonging suffering
GHVS defines veterinary hospice as, “A family-centered service dedicated to maintaining comfort and quality of life for the terminally ill pet until a natural death is achieved or the family elects euthanasia.” It is not about prolonging a painful condition, but about keeping the pet as comfortable as possible until the quality of life is no longer adequate. As a veterinarian, it is our job to assist your family in making this decision.
Hospice means natural death and is anti-euthanasia.
This is a common misconception, exacerbated by many nonveterinary groups across the country that call themselves “pet hospice.” Veterinarians have the unique and significant privilege of relieving pain and suffering, and that gift must be given at the appropriate time. Hospice is about giving families the tools to feel educated, prepared, and equipped to handle that difficult time when it arises.
It’s too complicated to perform hospice.
Families need to know what to expect so that they can avoid painful conditions that arise with end stage illness. Families should be tracking daily parameters such as appetite, hydration, and elimination. By knowing what can be expected and creating a plan, Acupuncture, massage, mobile grooming, in-home pet sitters, or other services available in your area may be able to help your pet.
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